If the condition indicated in the medical certificate specified at 8.1 requires a short break, a break of not more than ten minutes per hour will be permitted in addition to the above. 8.2.2 Provision of Amanuensis: The service of an amanuensis, reader, lab assistant can be availed as per the requirement of the subject concerned. The following category of learners will be eligible for this facility: a. Learners with Autism b. Cerebral Palsy c. Intellectual Disability including Mental Retardation d. Multiple Disabilities e. Blindness, Low Vision f. Speech or Hearing Impairment g. Any other disability such as learners with specific learning disabilities like dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and developmental aphasia certified as per procedure at 8.1. PROVISIONS FOR LEARNERS WITH DISABILITIES DURING NIOS EXAMINATIONS Learners with disabilities like blindness, low vision, speech impairment, locomotor disability, and any other disability which causes difficulty in writing